Sunday, December 4, 2011

Master-Thesis Template

Recently some of friends started to work on their theses and why reinvent a new Word Template every time?
So today, I finally found the time to strip down my master thesis word document and made it a word template.

I used and created it with Word 2010.

It has:
* Automatic lists for figures, tables (use stylesheets)
* Automatic table of contents (use stylesheets)
* Automatic page numbering (small latin for lists and ToC; arabic for text; big latin for the appendix)
* Automatic title of the current chapter on each text page.

You need:
* Something to write about
* Know how to use style sheets in word
* Somebody who reads your final text for mistakes
* and at last a covering page

Feel free to use it and don't waste your time creating yet another word thesis template.
And also feel free to modify and extend it.

The link to the template again.